Donate monthly or once

And join us as a member!

  • Affirm our mission and values, and

  • donate $60 per year or $5 per month.

Members get a free STOP t-shirt and a discount to a STOP event.

Note: This membership is distinct from membership that elects our board. Our board is elected by members of our member groups: the Chicago Tenants Council, the Mental Health Movement, and Social-Justice Club of Hyde Park Academy.

You can also give a check

Make it to "Southside Together Organizing for Power"
Mail it to 602 E 61st St, Chicago, IL 60637

STOP is 501(c)(3)

Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Our EIN is 71-1034518. Our most recent public financial report (990) is here.

Member portal

You can securely manage your contribution and contact information online here.