Members’ conversation with Brazil’s Cássia Bechara: 3/27

Ms. Bechara

Monday, March 27, 2023

In person with food: 5-6:30pm, 5655 S University, University Church’s dining room. Optionally, register above.

Virtually: 5:30-6:30pm via link we’ll email to people who register above.

By BLM and STOP: For members (and interested allies!) of Black Lives Matter Chicago and Southside Together Organizing for Power.

The MST — Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra — Landless Workers’ Movement — is a decades-old grassroots movement of hundreds of thousands of poor and working people across Brazil. Over the years, when an MST leader is visiting the US, they have met with STOP and other grassroots groups to share about each others’ work.

Cássia Bechara serves on the MST’s national coordination and is helps lead its international-relations collective. She will be in the Midwest and wants to dialogue with grassroots leaders! Our conversation with her could include:

  • being Black in the US and in Brazil,

  • what the MST, BLM, and STOP are working on,

  • displacement, land, and housing in Chicago and Brazil,

  • elections and responses to Trump and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro,

  • and what YOU want to share or ask!

We’ll provide food at 5pm and start the conversation at 5:30pm. You can register above, especially if you want the link to participate virtually.

Until then, want to learn more about the MST? Check out this 15-minute video. And find much more, from news updates to history, at


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