Contribute to removing ALL of the School Resource Officers!

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Last week, we won replacement of one police officer at Hyde Park Academy, our neighborhood’s Chicago public high school. And we won replacement of that officer with a Dean of Culture and Climate, to work on restorative justice and related initiatives.

This is a dramatic reversal from the school’s decision to keep police last year. And it is unprecedented for a majority-black South/West Side school.

But as our youth stated:

“We still have more work to do. We are not sitting down and we are not taking a break. We will not stop until all police are removed from our schools. We will work to build alternatives to policing in our school… We will continue organizing with youth to build their power and voice in the school and city.”

Your resources are essential to seeing this through: to making Hyde Park Academy an entirely #PoliceFreeSchool, to supporting successful alternatives to police, and ultimately to getting all #CopsOutCPS.

So, please consider a financial contribution to STOP today, via the form on this page. You’ll immediately enable our youth summer organizing program, which begins this week and will set us up for another year of organizing progress. And you’ll enable a strong fiscal year of organizing: our budget’s year started on July 1.

Whether you can pitch in $5 or $50 or $500, donate above or by check/cash to 602 E 61st. And if you join as a dues-paying member—at just $5/month—then you can contact our office about picking up a STOP-branded hoodie or t-shirt!

Dominic Surya

Dominic is CTA Development Director and Vision Council member. He helped re-start CTA’s Chicago chapter.


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We’ve won removal of a School Resource Officer at Hyde Park!